2012 - н.в. | current2014Путь в один конец: несколько наблюдений о семантике состояния. Гротовские чтения, Институт русского языка РАН, 6-8 ноября 2014 года
Non-subcategorized arguments: A two component event structural account. NELS 45, October 31–November 2, MIT.
Наброски теории некульминирующих свершений. Типология морфосинтаксических параметров, МГГУ, октябрь 2014 года
Result states and their descriptive properties: on the meaning of some prefixes in Russian. Chronos 11. 11th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality. Scuola Normale Superiora, Pisa. June 16, 2014
(De)composing events: Turkic and beyond. Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics 10.
Notes on the hierarchical structure of Russian verb. CASTL colloquium. University of Tromso. February 12, 2014
Префиксация, структура события и проблема несубкатегоризованных аргументов. TEL' 2014, Казань, январь 2014.
2013Where does Russian Aspect Come From? FDSL 10. University of Leipzig. December 5-7, 2013. <Invited talk>
Reducing Aspectual Variation: The case for Russian. Workshop on Semantic Variation. University of Chicago. October 25-26
Perfectivity in Russian: A Modal Analysis. The 44th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. |University of Connecticut. October 18-20.
Event structure of the anticausative and unaccusative. IATL 29. Hebrew University of Jerusalem. October 6-7.
(Slavic-style) Perfectivity and Modality. TbiLLC 2013: Tenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation. Gudauri, September 23-27 <Invited talk> Структура события и семантика каузатива [Event Structure and the Meaning of the Causative]. Конференция «Ломоносов 2013». Секция «Филология». МГУ, Москва. Causative in Ossetian:a complex predicate analysis. Fifth International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL5). Manner-result dichotomy and light verb constrictions in Karachay-Balkar.
Nominalization and aspectual morphology. JeNom 5: Eventualities beyond verbs. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
20121967 -- .... Научно-мемориальные чтения памяти А.Е.Кибрика. МГУ, 9 декабря 2012 <с Е.А. Лютиковой>
О третьем ере и вторичном имперфективе. [On the third yer and secondary imperfective] Вольный семинар по фонологии. МГУ.
Syntax of Perfectivity: Slavic and Beyond. University of Duesseldorf.
Decomposing event structure: evidence from denominal verbs in Tatar. Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics 8, University of Stuttgart.
Structure of Russian verb: a view from prefixation. Societas Linguistica Europaea, 44th Annual Meeting , University of Stockholm <with Xenia Kisseleva> Семантическая структура именной группы и перфективная модальность [Semantic structure of noun phrase and perfective modality]. XII Казанская школа-семинар TEL'2012, Казань. |